Case 28: The Nirvana Master Explains it to Death

Case 28: The Nirvana Master Explains it to Death

  • Title in Sullivan (2021): The Nirvana Master Explains it to Death
  • Title in Cleary and Cleary (1992): Nan Ch’uan’s Truth That’s Never Been Spoken
  • Title in Sekida (2005): What the Holy Ones Have Not Preached
  • Named characters (in Pinyin):
    • Nanquan
    • Nirvana Master of Baizhang Mountain
  • Named characters (in Wade-Giles):
    • Nan Ch’uan
    • Nirvana Master of Pai Chang Mountain
  • Named characters (in Japanese):
    • Nansen
    • Hyakujō Nehan Oshō
  • Other koan collections:
    • The True Dharma Eye, Case #249.
  • Historical commentaries:
    • Hakuin Ekaku and Tenkei Denson (contained in Secrets of the Blue Cliff Record, Thomas Clearly, 2002)
  • Modern commentaries: 
    • Gyomay Kubose (contained in Zen Koanspage 249, 1973)
    • John Daido Loori (contained in The True Dharma Eye, 2005)